The Purpose

Note to my editors:

May 24, 2018

Good morning ...

Here's the first of today's two FISHIN' cartoons for you. Finally!!!

I've been chomping at the bit [dare I say "the lure"?] for months now waiting on the time when I could indulge myself in toons RE my most favorite subject to draw of the whole year — FISHIN'.

Yep. You might indeed ask why FISHIN' is your toonist's "favorite" when, actually, he doesn't fish at all? When he only sits on stream & lake banks watchin' his buddies fish? — drawing toons of them while they do their fishing thing?

Reckon it's because this subject:

1) Usually involves the Great Outdoors in fair weather — always an uplifting scenario.

2) Most often it features kids &/or four-footed critters — & you know how much I love to draw both of these, eh?

3) Fishin' toons are "dream stuff" — meaning: More likely than not, folks out there who are unable to break away to fish at the moment when they read one of my fishin' toons are transported magically, via daydreaming, to their last fishin' trip — or the next one on their radars. And how wonderful, mee thinks, that my cartoony art can spin happy daydreams in others.

You'll find this toon & 20 others in my new FISHIN' Category at:

My second FISHIN' toon will follow shortly.

:))) barry



Copyright 2018 Barry's Cartoons