12/13/18 Cartoons ~ NEW YEARS

Hot Tub
Download TIF or PDF  More NEWYEARS Toons

Download TIF or PDF  More NEWYEARS Toons

Download TIF or PDF  More NEWYEARS Toons


Good morning …

My, oh my! — here I am sending you NEW YEARS cartoons already. Don’t know about you, but the olde saw about how time passes more quickly as we age certainly seems truer & truer to me as the Holidays come & go faster than I can believe.

Be that as it incredibly may, here are your NEWS YEARS toons for 2018:

HOT TUB ~ If I must do NEW YEARS again so soon, I’m gonna lead off with some "dream stuff" — the kind of toon that not only brings chuckles, but relaxes the mind & body with visions of life as it "ought" to be. Like, forget your deadlines & enter the gratifying world of year-long HOT TUBBING!

GAMBLIN' ~ This toon revolves around the concept of making impossible NEW YEARS resolutions — which seems a perennial SOP for most folks I know. Dare I include me? Yep — as Hemingway once said, "You’ve gotta know all about something to write about it." Same goes for cartooning it. HA!

GOOGLE ~ This Classic pertains to high-tech realities today as much as when I first sent it out in 2009. Although, like you, I'm forced to endure the trials & tribs of an expanding cyber world, It's not by preference. In fact, often I reflect back nostalgically to when "pasting up" the weekly edition actually required paste — make the "wax."

You'll find these NEW YEARS cartoons & 8 others on my site at:

NEXT: My final cartoons for 2018. The subject? — GLOBAL WARMING. Between the forward looking toons in this week’s NEW YEARS sends & next week’s GW toons, you should have plenty to pick from as 2019 kicks off ...

:))) barry


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