04/11/19 Cartoons

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Good morning ...

Here’s the first of two EASTER cartoons I’m sending your way today.

After returning from my ride to the West Coast to be with my sister who was on her way out of this life, I finally found the wherewithal to unpack my stuff two days ago — then began work on my Easter toons that same evening, both of which I’m dedicating to my Sis.

EASTER # 1 ~ This Classic cartoon from my Toon Categories was a favorite of my Sis. Most likely because it involves lovable kids, & she always was a great appreciator of children — especially her great-grandkids, to whom she gave all she had. She never tired of chances to have them stay with her & teach them skills, like cooking, or instill in them genuine values.

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EASTER # 1 ~ Not sure I could’ve found it in me to do any cartooning this week after losing my Sis 7 days ago, but EASTER provides me with a special opportunity to celebrate her life. Maureen was a devout Christian — & lived her faith 24/7. I’m sure she would chuckle at the backhanded fun I poke in this toon at a guy who's less devout.

BTW: I’m certainly not trying to disparage anyone’s Easter Egg hunting, but I had a request from Tim at the Eldon (MO) Advertiser for a cartoon that addresses the REAL meaning of Easter — & this is what I came up with....

:))) barry


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