04/01/19 Cartoons

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Good morning ...

Here’s the first of two FLOODING cartoons I’ll be sending your way. The second one has more detail than I could manage this week, so it’ll go out next Thursday.

This high-water toon ought to cover those of you whose backyards are already swelling with Winter run-off. Given the enormous volume of white stuff that remains unmelted here (with another 12 inches of snow forecast tonight & tomorrow), I reckon the second toon underway will be just as effective whether I send it a week from now — or in another month or two??? HA!

Yep, leave it to your cartoonist to find humor in everything. But then, that is my job, eh?

Friends Tease
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Finally, the YARDSALE cartoon I promised you on Friday. There’s not much that’s socially redeemable in this toon, just my usual picturing of local folks & how they perceive life around them — with small town human nature fully in play!

Maybe you’re also into YARDSALING, though somehow I doubt it. I figure you have precious little time for such, except, that is, when you’re out & around town looking for photo opportunities — & pick up a few things along the way. HA!

I should have another FLOODING cartoon for you this Thursday or Friday ...

:))) barry


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