02/14/19 Cartoons

Good Money
Download TIF or PDF  More WINTER Toons

Download TIF or PDF  More WINTER Toons

Jump Start
Download TIF or PDF  More WINTER Toons


Good morning ....

Well — Sending you today's set of three cartoons is a bit like I’m receiving a dividend from the massive amount of work I put into my Toon Categories last year. Cheers!

A few days ago, I experienced an overwhelming urge to send you one more flurry of WINTER toons while it's still a timely thing to do in many parts of my circulation area. However, I had other toons in process & was real short on time to pull off another WINTER set!

Hence, the toons below which I grabbed from my pre-existing Toon Category offerings.

BTW: The urgency for this WINTER stuff probably came from the past two weeks of genuine Montana frigid temps hereabouts — these, after what had appeared more like late Fall warmed over. Yep, my pipes froze up yet again!!!

1) GOOD MONEY ~ Don’t know if you appreciate the fun of driving on icy roads, but J.P. DOODLES does — provided it equates to his tightfistedness RE the dollar. For him, all the aerobatics highway ice furnishes is a-okay, as long as he can see it in terms of saving himself a buck or two.

2) THERMOMETER ~ If you’ve ever longed for a way to psyche yourself up during a severe cold spell, DOODLES may offer one in this cartoon. It’s simple, really — just keep your outdoor thermometer indoors. HA!

3) JUMP START ~ Not that vehicles thereabouts actually turn into blocks of ice now & then, though it might seem so, eh? The only question being: How in Hades to connect the jumpers??? And so, this toon for you — which also is meant to alert readers to the haphazard nature of Global Warming.

If dire cold isn’t an issue in your area, no worries — I’ll be back next week with other options!

:))) barry


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