02/07/19 Cartoons

Growth Spurt
Download TIF or PDF  More BASKETBALL Toons

Govt. Shutdown
Download TIF or PDF  More GOVERNMENT Toons

Download TIF or PDF  More WINTER Toons


Good morning ...

Today’s cartoons are quite a mixed bag, featuring one more on BASKETBALL, one more on WINTER, plus a GOVERNMENT toon — not necessarily in this order.

1) GROWTH SPURT ~ This will be my last school BASKETBALL toon for the year, since the regular season is about to wrap up. I’m not including any post-season options this time, figuring that what I’m attaching herewith will run well for all BB games whenever they’re played.

2) GOVT. SHUTDOWN ~ Given that the most recent SHUTDOWN ended just a couple of weeks ago, & given the predictable threats of another en route, it seems like a swell time to send you this toon. In it, once again I’m interviewing folks around town & offering my readers their opinions. Hopefully, I’ve presented an across-the-board range of views. Surely, your readers will find one, at least, that they can readily identify with, eh?

3) OVERINDULGIN’ ~ In this cartoon I’m bidding a final farewell to Holidays gluttony, which is still recent enough in most local minds for the toon to stir up memories — be they fond memories or of the regretful variety. The toon also falls within the province of "winter wrap-up."

BTW: It’s been a tough week here in several departments. To top things off, last night while finishing this set of toons my pipes froze up. WHAT — NO WATER??? UGH! In short, I won’t have today's toons posted to my online Toon Categories till a bit later today — though, the toon links below are operational now, all set for you to access.

I’m gonna think positive & assume this winter’s BIG chills are about spent, with no others due to show up on our respective radars. So, as tempted as I am to cartoon next about frozen pipes, I’ll hold off till the winter of 2019/2020.

Yep, I’ll stick my current plumbing frustration into my pocket for now — but, you can bet your bippie I won’t forget where the toon inspiration came from when the time to cartoon it rolls around. HA!

:))) barry


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